Collection: Rigid Back Strip Brushes


Hard polypropylene back strip brushes are made by fusing high quality brush filaments into an extruded 3.2mm, 5.0mm or 8.0mm wide poly backing making the filaments become one with the backing. These brushes won't corrode as they are constructed entirely without the use of any metal parts.

Metal back strip brushes are made by filling brush fibres into a continuous metal channel, the brush fibres are held into the channel by a central rod which is then held in place by closing the sides of the channel and can be manufactured in either a stainless steel or galvanised backing to suit any application.

We manufacture a wide range of standard strip widths including: 3.2mm, 5.0mm, 8.0mm, 12mm & 14mm. Brushes can be cut into straight lengths or manipulated in our factory to form a multitude of shapes and sizes.

Strip brush lengths can be made to virtually any nominated size that can be transported & bristle lengths can range from 10mm up to 1000mm depending on the intended application and customer specification.

Custom aluminium brush holders are available to suit our 3.2mm, 5mm, 8mm  & 12mm wide strip brushes and fabricated holders can be made to suit.

A full range of filaments are available. All synthetic fibres from 0.0005” (0.13mm) to 0.180” (3.0mm). All types of hairs, natural fibres, abrasives and wires available.

Rigid or Metal Back Strip Brushes – ideal for Printing & Pharmaceutical Industries, Food Processing Plants, Pest Control, Conveyor Cleaning and as a Spray Suppressant.



F Holder (Std)       55 Deg        hProfile 8mm   F Holder 8mm 


F holder 50mm Leg         h Holder 3.2mm  

To request a quote on a custom made  Rigid Back Metal Strip Brush, download and fill out a Custom Design Sheet using the instructional video as a guide:

Rigid Metal Backed Strip Brush


Inside Curved Strip Brush


Cup Brush

Outside Coil Strip Brush:


Inside Disc Strip Brush:

Custom Design Form

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